Links and Affiliates

May 7, 2015 by Myndi @ madbooklove

While adding yesterday’s review, it occurred to me that I always link my book images to Barnes & Noble, and that it might appear that I am in some way affiliated with them. So I wanted to clarify: I am not. I am not affiliated with, nor do I have any financial relationship with, any bookseller or publisher, or any entity related to books in general.

I am aware that a lot of book bloggers make some money off of affiliate relationships with the likes of Amazon, etc., and kudos to them for being able to do so, but I do not. That doesn’t mean I would never, but if I did, I would be very transparent about it.

At this time, I blog because I like it; it’s a hobby for me, not a way to make extra cash. If I ever had a readership large enough to warrant it, I would consider it, but I have done absolutely zero research on how any of that works, and frankly, I don’t have the time to dedicate here that I would like so…the reason I link to Barnes &  Noble is because I love them, they are recognizable, and they are accessible nationally. That’s really it.

Boring stuff, I know, but like I said, I’m all for transparency. 😉

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